Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can!

Last night was one of the most memorable nights of my life thus far. I went to the Democratic party downtown Salt Lake where hundreds gathered to watch the big screen TVs and nervously wait for the coloring book of America to be colored blue (red is usually my favorite color but not last night). The room was full of proud Democrats there to welcome our new President. I think Barack Obama is an amazing man and have faith that he will do wonders to bring change to this country, I was sad just for a moment to think that I would be leaving this amazing country for a month, but I've never been more proud to travel as an American. Oh also being on TV several times last night was fun as well (, Rebecca and I hammed it up as much as we could then took President Obama home with us for an after party :)

I decided to take my clinical licensing exam before we took off to India so that I didn't have to think about it the whole time we were there which was a bit of a crazy idea. I've been so busy trying to make enough money to be
able to afford to go and also just preparing for the trip, that I didn't set much time aside for studying. I even went to work this morning before taking the test to keep my mind from stressing about whether or not I was going to pass. Well guess what! I passed!!! I'm so excited to be able to leave the country without the dread of coming back to unfinished business, I'm a legit social worker now :)

Well tomorrow is the big day, we leave around 2pm and fly to Dallas where my adorable grandparents want to meet me at the airport "even if it's for 15 minutes." Then it's a 9 hour flight to London then another 9 hours to India (Bangalore) where we arrive at 5am. It's 12 and a half hours ahead of the time here in Utah so we lose a day from the get go. We have made hotel reservations for the first 2 nights to get adjusted to the time change. We are ready for anything at this point. We have all the vaccinations anyone could ever want, malaria pill, bug spray galore, mosquito nets, silk travel sheets and my new camera, life is good :) Here is a map of India so you can follow along with our travels.


  1. Congrats on passing the test! I know how much you worried about it. Your trip will be amazing - even if you encounter bumps in the road. Have fun. Be safe. Wear condoms. Ha ha. Most importantly, take care of each other :)

  2. Whatever crazy lady, no condoms necessary I guarantee you :)

  3. dude i need help setting up my blog... waaaaa. hey maybe in Bangalore... it is an IT city:)

    woo hoo i cannot believe we are leaving tomorrow. yay!

  4. hahahahahaha. Your "news" segments were cracking me up! What a great send off. :)

  5. hey! me and my dad just wanted to say hi and see how everythings going we all love ya and are worried and wanted to see how you're doing with everything going on there
