Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Garden of Eatin

I arrived and I'm feelin good :) Yesterday was sort of a recoup day and I didn't do much besides relax which I guess is what I'm here to do so that works. Today I was able to explore the garden and wow!
The greenhouse is full of tomatoes of all kinds, cucumbers, and the blank area on the left was full of corn only a few weeks earlier. The tomatoes are delicious, nothing beats a home grown garden tomato. I don't think I could ever get sick of them. Last night I ate mozzarella, tomatoes and basil drizzled with balsamic vinegar and was in heaven.

Below is the garden full of squash, pumpkins, lettuce, beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots and probably some more veggies I've yet to discover. I've always like broccoli but fresh from the garden is so different, it's sweet and delicious even raw. There are fruit trees planted over to the right that you can't see in the picture but they've got a few years left yet before they produce, the greenhouse you can see at the top right. Then the beautiful beautiful house in the back ground. Heated floor, steam room shower, exercise room among everything else. It's so beautiful and green here right now but COLD. Strange to leave 100% weather in Utah to come to 50% rainy weather here. I did however get some new Ugg boots yesterday to help keep me warm :)

A vacation has never felt so good. Last night I realized I left my phone charger at home which at first I was a little concerned about but then I decided it was a blessing. Of course I can go get a charger but for a day wow, amazing. I've been reading quite a bit and have finished one of the four books that I brought. I'm excited to write a little about the first book The Witch of Portobello which I plan on doing sometime tomorrow. It's the first book I've completed since graduate school, I forgot how nice it is to read just to read.


  1. I'm so glad you're doing the blog! Is this the garden where you are staying? Because holy hell! That is awesome. I figured it was a commercial garden until I saw the house and it looked familiar. Hope you have the best time ever. You totally deserve it. Happy thoughts.

  2. this is inspiring me. i'm off to bing now! :)

  3. Rebecca don't give up and Savannah yes this is the garden that feeds the family, so so so amazing
